Creative Wellbeing & Kaleidoscope V
Kaleidoscope V is a mosaic-art exhibition at the Bluecoat on Friday 14th December from 3.30-5pm. All welcome.
Funded by The Big Lottery this exhibition is the culmination of the first phase of START’s Creative Wellbeing project (2012-2013). We have worked with Kaleidoscope members for the past six weeks, facilitating workshops on mosaic-making guided by Mike Walker (Lead) alongside Lisa Langan and Neville Williams (Associates). The exhibition is a co-production between START, Kaleidoscope and Bluecoat.
The second phase of the project sees START and
Kaleidoscope co-deliver participatory activities with residents, staff and relatives in a local residential & nursing home for people who experience dementia-type illnesses and other limiting health conditions. Mosaics will be co-produced and subsequently sited in the nursing home’s garden, representing individual and group life stories and the importance of the creative act, regardless of age or circumstance – a legacy.
To Mike Clarke for exhibition framing services and professional support during this project; also to Betty Ritchie and the Bluecoat for their support of this project and, most importantly, Kaleidoscope members for their hard work and diligence.